
Sometimes when I get an idea in my head, I get tunnel vision and disregard all else until I can get to my idea. Sunday morning, for whatever reason, amigurumi (a-mi-gu-ru-mi: literally means Knitted Stuffed Toy; Japanese crocheting in the round) leaped into the forefront of my mind. SewCrafty Houston has an amigurumi class in January, but with wanting to save more mola these days, I had decided not to take the class.

So back to Sunday… for some reason, I was thinking about amigurumi and how I could likely go on the internet and teach myself how to crochet (another reason I heart the internet!).  After yoga, I told Yarbs that I was going to teach myself amigurumi – she just shook her head and was all, you have too many projects! I had mentioned it to Boom before I left, and when I got home and figured out that I didn’t have any crochet needles (makes sense, since I don’t know how to crochet), he was all, Are you going to pick up some crochet needles?

This, among many, many other reasons, is why Boom is just the bestest – not only does he not disregard my wanting to learn how to make amigurumis, but embraces my idea and encourages me! Many hubbys would be all, Don’t you want to finish cleaning your craft room? (which I still need to finish)

Boom was not feeling well, so maybe that is why he was so accommodating. I thought it would be a good activity to undertake so that I could keep Boom company as he rested on the couch.

Anyway, 6 hours later, I have somewhat mastered crocheting in the round!

img_2161Some of my beginning practice crochet pieces… A bit of advise for anyone who is learning how to crochet in the round – always remember your first stitch marker!!!! I still sometimes have issues forgetting to mark the first stitch.

img_2162The little white ball was the first complete amigurumi I made – I literally had to redo it about 7 or 8 times since I kept forgetting my first stitch marker! Which made me lose my place.

The green thing in the middle is a bird (2 wings and a tail!) but needs 2 eyes and an orange beak. Pretty cute, eh? Take a look here to see what the final product looks like. Many thanks to Bitter Sweet for the free pattern! There are many more that I want to try out!

The red and white thing is a radish – without the leaves. I can only crochet in the round, so I can’t make the leaves (yet). It kind of looks like a mouse… again, thanks to Bitter Sweet for the free pattern!

I am really enjoying crocheting – I like it cause at the end there is a complete final product (well, that is the idea). I am thinking these would be good random bday gifts for my friends back in the RIC. or friends from anywhere. Would be really random, but I kinda like that!

I am working on a cactus pattern – I am still figuring out how to read patterns – and figuring out that “front loops” and “back loops” literally mean front and back.  I need to redo the planter, as the way I did it makes it hard (or impossible) to attach.  I think it will be cute!  Many thanks to Ana Paula Rimoli for the free pattern!

I really need to get some safety eyes, as my amigurumis would be much cuter with eyes and a face.  And some dark brown and pink yarn.  So many amigurumis to make, so little time (and lack of basic crocheting skills!).

Anyway, I hope everyone rings in the new year safely!  More in 2009 (where did all the time go?!) – and hopefully I’ll be sending out my new years cards soon…

2 responses to “Amigurumi!!!!

  1. Those are cute little balls! What are you going to do with them?

  2. ummm, new post please!

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